The Margin: AOC fires back after getting slammed for paying an average price for a haircut

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The Washington Times on Wednesday ran the headline, “Self-declared socialist AOC splurges on high-dollar hairdo,” after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez paid $80 for a haircut, another $180 for coloring, and some extra for the tip.

Ocasio-Cortez, “who regularly rails against the rich and complains about the cost of living inside the Beltway, spent nearly $300 on her hairdo at a pricey salon she frequents in downtown Washington,” The Washington Times wrote.

Meanwhile, women in major cities across America collectively asked, “So?”

According to data compiled in 2016 by Square, the mobile payments company co-founded by Twitter’s TWTR, +0.46% Jack Dorsey, $80 is just about in line with haircut prices in costly areas like Washington D.C.

Internet outrage didn’t quite seem to matchup with the sentiment at the Washington Times, which quoted Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government. “AOC is the Eva Peron of American politics. She preaches socialism while living the life of the privileged,” he said.

Here’s the general response across Twitter:

AOC also chimed in:

And she wasn’t finished:

Controversial haircuts, of course, have been a thing in politics for years now. Hillary Clinton was once beat up for a $600 haircut, as was former Sen. John Edwards and his $400 coiffure. Then there was Bill Clinton’s infamous $200 job that shut down two runways at Los Angeles International Airport back in 1993.